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Mark Your Calendars! Google+ Hangout for Nonprofit Organizations

June 18, 2012

Google+ is definitely growing on me. Now that I have had some time to work with the tool set and figure out through a process of trial and error what kind of content works best on Google+, not only has engagement significantly increased on the Nonprofit Organizations Google+ Page in recent months, but so has my Return on Investment (ROI). That said, I have not yet been able to successfully host a Google+ Hangout primarily due to the fact that every attempt to do so thus far has been a spontaneous one. Google+ Hangouts need to be planned and promoted like any other event, so for those of you that would like to help me experiment with the Google+ Hangout tool set, please mark your calendars:

Date: Thursday, July 12, 2012
Time: 1pm-2:00 EDT
Cost: Free
Moderated By: Heather Mansfield

The Hangout could last as little as 15 minutes to over an hour depending upon how many people attend and how well the technology works. The Hangout will aim to be an informal discussion about how nonprofits can use social media. Attendees can submit questions and commentary via chat and by posting comments during the Hangout on the Nonprofit Organizations Google+ Page. On air participants (only 10 at any given time) should be prepared to ask a question verbally and comfortable enough to respond to one live on the air. To ensure that more than 10 people get a chance to go on air, after you have asked your question(s) you will be asked to leave the Hangout so others may join (you can still watch and listen to the Hangout, you just won’t be visible any longer). Again, I have never hosted a Google+ Hangout so how useful this tool and this discussion will be is yet to be seen, but if you are curious about Google+ Hangouts, then please do join us on July 12 and we will all learn together.

How to Attend:

1) You must be a Google+ user to attend a Google+ Hangout, so if you have not already, please join Google+.

2) Download the Google Voice and Video Plugin.

3) Circle the Nonprofit Organizations Google+ Page.

4) Sign up for the Nonprofit Tech 2.0 e-Newsletter to be reminded of the event the morning of the Google+ Hangout and to be sent specific instructions on how to attend the day of.

Again, please note that only 10 individuals can participate on air in a Google+ Hangout at any given time, however there’s no limit to the number of people that can watch, listen and submit questions to the Hangout. By default, only the first nine people to join the Hangout will be able to participate on air – and by participate on air, I mean your video stream is visible and audio heard in the Hangout. If you do not want to be seen and heard, wait for the Hangout to reach 10 participants. Finally, I will be enabling Google+ Hangouts on Air thus the Hangout will be recorded and automatically uploaded to the Nonprofit Organizations YouTube Channel in order to do a complete test of the Google+ Hangout tool set. I can’t advocate (or not) for a tool that I haven’t tested or used myself, so in this case, I need your help and greatly appreciciate your attendance. 🙂

Related Links:
Webinar: Google+ and Google Products for Nonprofit Organizations
Google+ Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations

6 Comments leave one →
  1. June 18, 2012 12:39 pm

    The 12th of July is a Thursday — are you planning for Thursday 12th or Tuesday 10th? Just want to clarify…

    • nonprofitorgs permalink
      June 18, 2012 1:30 pm

      Yes… Thursday. Thanks.

  2. June 25, 2012 7:12 am

    What a great idea! I haven’t had the opportunity to participate in a Google+ Hangout, so I’m really looking forward to being apart of your “test run”. Good luck!

  3. July 6, 2012 9:44 am

    Unfortunately none of our computers have webcams, so we aren’t able to participate.

  4. August 29, 2012 9:37 pm

    I want to participate in your Google plus Hangout but I just found your site.Will there be another Hang out?

    • nonprofitorgs permalink
      September 13, 2012 1:27 pm

      In 2013. 🙂

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