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Google Buzz ::

February 10, 2010

UPDATE :: Indeed, your Gmail username becomes your Google profile username:

Once you create/login to your Gmail account, give me a follow!

Google has been working double-time launching new products over the last few months. From Google Wave to Google Voice, to Social Search and now Google Buzz, I think that now is a good time for nonprofits to reserve a Gmail account if they haven’t already. I haven’t had the chance yet to look too deeply into their products, but I am big believer in nonprofits being proactive and protecting their online brand from squatters. Unlike Google Wave, Google Buzz requires a Gmail account. I am hoping that Google Voice and eventually Google Wave will also be tied to Gmail accounts.

That said, take 5 minutes and protect your Google brand. For example, I just grabbed to match, and Unlike Twitter and YouTube, there’s still a pretty good chance that your username is available in Gmail.

Finally, once you have your new Gmail account, sign up for beta invite to Google Voice. I am hoping Google Voice will enable nonprofits to utilize group texting for free or at a very low-cost… and be connected somehow to Buzz for Mobile.

Related Links:
HOW TO: Protect Your Nonprofit from Social Media Squatters

Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network’s Plan to Dominate the Web – And Keep Google Out
Google Prepares for Facebook Assault

6 Comments leave one →
  1. February 10, 2010 8:14 am

    Google Voice is a great way to cut down on long distance costs, especially for conference calls.

  2. February 16, 2010 6:01 pm

    Heather – you are an amazing treasure trove of information! Thank you!


  1. Reserve your nonprofit’s name « Tuesday, Inc.
  2. Google Buzz :: | Blogs
  3. HOW TO: Use Gmail and iGoogle To Create a Social Media Dashboard for Your Nonprofit « Nonprofit Tech 2.0
  4. HOW TO: Use Gmail and iGoogle To Create a Social Media Dashboard for Your Nonprofit | Blogs

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