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[Book Research] Quotes of Social Media Wisdom?

January 6, 2011

[tweetmeme] At the beginning of each chapter in my book (11 total) there will be a quote of wisdom from a nonprofit that speaks to content of that chapter. Then throughout the book, there will be approximately 20 more quotes of wisdom. If you have some wisdom to share with the nonprofit community, please post your quote below and if it fits, I’ll add it to the book.

As a guideline, I don’t need general quotes like:

Facebook is great. It transformed our online campaigns.
Twitter is all about listening.
The mobile Web is the brave new frontier.

Rather, I really need quotes that capture and communicate experience and wisdom, such as:

“Don’t be afraid to fail! We’ve done so many things in social media that flopped. We didn’t get discouraged; we learned from our mistakes and next time came back even stronger.”

– Carie Lewis, Director of Emerging Media, The Humane Society of the United States

Quotes on the big picture of social media and how it has transformed the Web and the nonprofit sector are appreciated. I also need specific quotes on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, Foursquare, blogging, and mobile technology (mobile websites, group texting, text-to-give).

If you work at a nonprofit and manage their social media and/or mobile technology campaigns, please post your quote in a comment below with your name, title, and organization. Please don’t be shy! If it makes the book, I’ll let you know. THANK YOU!

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74 Comments leave one →
  1. January 6, 2011 9:54 am

    “Social Media is an organic process. By constantly monitoring and evaluating this evolving medium, we will succeed in touching the hearts and minds of our constituents in an emotionally compelling way that ensures trust and ongoing loyalty.”

  2. January 6, 2011 10:41 am

    Give your followers a reason to engage with you. Make them feel like part of your team.

    – Tammy Hrab, Communications Director, Northern Environmental Action Team

  3. timmerrick67 permalink
    January 6, 2011 11:04 am

    ‘Social Media is the one place where those who don’t get engaged will soon feel primal isolation, but like any relationship you only get out what you put in’

    • nonprofitorgs permalink
      January 6, 2011 11:05 am

      Hey! That’s what I say. 🙂 Name, title and organization?

      • timmerrick67 permalink
        January 6, 2011 1:26 pm

        Tim Merrick – Consultant – Miratel Solutions

    • January 13, 2011 9:25 am

      Nicely put, Tim.

  4. January 6, 2011 11:22 am

    Social media can be utilized beautifully if you can just look beyond the number crunching, stats and ROI; It’s like democracy, for the people, by the people and of the people.Use that principle and you should be inspired enough to truly capture the spirit of what social media can achieve: melting boundaries and forging new ties for mutual development.

    – Andrea Johnson, The Center for African Affairs and Global Peace

  5. January 6, 2011 11:54 am

    Facebook has ushered in an engaging era of one-to-one relationships online with greater shareability and accessbility that work to enhance how we communicate with people, bringing down geographical and cultural boundaries.It’s the apple pie in the ever expanding & innovative assortment of communication networks that would continue to be central to the whole web experience.It’s here to stay and we love it!

    Andrea Johnson, Advisor on Communications, advocacy & social media for the Center for african affairs & global peace (CAAGLOP)

  6. Jon Hardie Partner - Customer Centered Organizational Transformation @ AudienceWorks permalink
    January 6, 2011 12:14 pm

    “Core Social Media Launch Best Practice: From a customer-centric point of view: Plan together, Listen, Give before you get. Deliver real value with transparency, authenticity, integrity and passion – in every transaction. Learn from your conversations, Share your learning – then jump back in. Wash, Rinse & Repeat … Trust the iterative process.”

  7. January 6, 2011 12:46 pm

    “Do not make the mistake of seeing social media just as a marketing or PR vehicle. It’s not. It’s a communications vehicle, encompassing marketing, PR, fundraising, customer service, branding, and any other way in which you and your audience relate to each other.”

    Pat Rhoads
    Social Media Specialist

  8. Russell King permalink
    January 6, 2011 1:44 pm

    “The only people who don’t make mistakes are the dead.”
    Russell King, executive director
    Wisconsin Homecare Foundation

  9. January 6, 2011 1:45 pm

    Social media is neither the magical solution to every nonprofit’s woes, nor is it something that can be ignored. It is a channel for engaging, involving, entertaining and soliciting your constituents – One which cannot be thought of only in the context of a “social media strategy,” but rather as a part of an overall communications strategy working in concert with mail, phone, email, events, etc.

    Devin T. Mathias
    Marts & Lundy
    @moredonors / @MrtsAndLndy

    P.S. – Good luck!

  10. January 6, 2011 1:47 pm

    Social media spaces such as Facebook allow people with common interests and concerns to reach out to each other with questions, answers and ideas. It’s as if they ALL work for the organization, in a way, which extends our reach and impact. It also helps us activate people when it’s time to tell decision makers about the importance of a program or specific project.

    Barb Chamberlain
    Founding Chair, Bike to Work Spokane

  11. January 6, 2011 1:52 pm

    Charitable organizations exist to change hearts and minds, which is a marketing task. The task could be to get people to cease drinking and driving, or to support a diversified workplace that includes people with disabilities. No one can argue that social media is not a powerful and useful marketing tool, and therefore there can be no debate about whether or not non-profit organizations should make use of it. Anycharity that fails to understand this connection between mission and social media should cede their assets to one that does.

    Keenan Wellar
    Co-Founder & CEO

  12. January 6, 2011 1:53 pm

    “If it comes from the heart, it will touch the heart” Ron Hutchins Artistic Director of Destined to Dance.

  13. Colin Smith permalink
    January 6, 2011 1:54 pm

    Social Media allows your constituents to become your organization, rather than interacting with your organization.

    Colin Smith – Independent Consultant

  14. January 6, 2011 1:56 pm

    Social Media is not a cure all for marketing and fundraising. It should not even be owned by your communications department. The real value is in the contributions of staff and volunteers enacting the mission day-to day. The unfiltered stories they share from the field, directly with supporters, and the insight/action that inspires, is what makes the medium truly revolutionary.

    Harmony Hasbrook
    Community Affairs
    YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish

  15. January 6, 2011 2:19 pm

    Social media gives you an opportunity to meet and learn from passionate people. Some will share your passion some will express passion about something that may be new to you. Either way, you have the opportunity to learn and grow.

  16. January 6, 2011 2:29 pm

    “If Social Media is part of your branding strategy, you should take special care to ensure that your brands are protected by the usual means in the Trade Mark Office where your charity operates.”
    Taras Kulish, Trademark Lawyer
    Steinberg Morton Hope & Israel LLP

  17. Scribbler9 permalink
    January 6, 2011 2:34 pm

    We were created for community.

    – Melanie Friebel

  18. Heidi Fuller permalink
    January 6, 2011 2:41 pm

    It’s a journey, not a destination. I learned this notion very early on as one of those people looking for the ultimate learning experience that would teach me everything I needed to know to do social media so that I could go out and do all the right things. I loosened up once I accepted the idea that because people shape social media, it not only can change in a day but it can have different purposes for different audiences. I learned not to panic if my social network wasn’t responding the way others were. I adjusted to what mine wanted to be. I learned that even though I’m sitting at a computer all day, social media makes me a people person. I adjusted and let my people shape the experience as much as I was. Never a dull moment. Never a duplicate moment!

  19. January 6, 2011 2:51 pm

    The biggest social media battle will be played out within your organisation´s walls. Gaining the trust of your internal staksholders takes time and patience. Get them onboard slowly, I shared neat social media initatives in our weekly internal newsletter for six months. Now staff come to me with great ideas for our blog and microblogging streams. Small efforts can generate big outcomes.

    Kirstie Paterson, Communications, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery

  20. Susan Ruderman permalink
    January 6, 2011 2:52 pm

    Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Technology is no longer the limiting factor. With the leveled playing field created by social media, better institutional strategy needs to exist around mission and measures of effectiveness. If you don’t have a story worth telling, it doesn’t matter whether you offer all the latest and greatest social media tools because, eventually, you will fail to engage your constituents through any channel. First comes content, then comes the medium.
    Susan Ruderman
    Consultant and former Director of Advancement, Animal Rescue League of Boston

  21. January 6, 2011 3:37 pm

    Social media allows us to connect and develop relationships with kindred spirits across the globe, and enables us to collaborate to forge a better world in the present in ways unimagined in past generations. We have launched nationwide advocacy campaigns, coordinated nationwide tours, and developed an array of incredible friendships through our use of social media. Our connections with peers and supporters outside the cyberworld are only deepened by our online interactions. –Billy Williams, Grassroots Movement Director, Nuru International

  22. January 6, 2011 4:37 pm

    Social media is more than a toolset it’s a mindset. Social media isn’t about sending and receiving messages, it’s about participating.
    It’s not I speak: you listen. It’s a conversation, or multiple conversations, many of which may not even include you.
    Professor Robert Lauterborn – preface to “Social Media is a Cocktail Party ” Jim Tobin, Lisa Braziel

  23. January 6, 2011 5:33 pm

    Social Media = Poetry & Plumbing
    Many organizations falter when faced with the excess of platforms; ever evolving, ever changing. What they fail to realize is that this is plumbing. Relationships and storytelling are the power and potential of social media. Plumbers can be hired. Focus on the poetry. Pipes will follow.

  24. Chris Lauer permalink
    January 6, 2011 5:45 pm

    Social media professionals have much in common with teachers: both need patience, verve and tenacity to keep their attention-deficient audiences involved. Your Facebook profile or Twitter account, like a sugared-up seven year-old, should never be neglected. Community engagement is the foundational aspect of my organization, and frequent updates help us maintain a good public profile. Without consistently reminding followers that 1.) We are doing great things and 2.) they should know about them, we risk losing our followers’ attention. Engagement isn’t possible if you use social media passively. By taking the time to stay in your followers’ news feeds, you are making an investment in your community.

    Chris Lauer, program associate, The Alaska Community Foundation

  25. joanna wolfe permalink
    January 6, 2011 7:01 pm

    In my experience, people are very loyal to their Social Media of choice. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all have different audiences, different uses and as such have differing benefits. You need to know your audience and leverage their social media of choice to connect with them the best way possible.

  26. January 6, 2011 9:59 pm

    “Every volunteer organization has three kinds of volunteers: doers, givers and ‘true believers.’ When push comes to shove, you can do without the ‘true believers.’

  27. January 6, 2011 11:26 pm

    Open communication and content that is both relevant and interesting that is the key to continuing trust and support from your friends offline and online.

  28. Sophie Conin permalink
    January 7, 2011 12:01 am

    Best quote I’ve recently heard was: ”It will take a century for a poor family to call, text, tweet, or friend its way out of poverty.” This quote was made by Julian May during a presentation @ ICT4D in London in December 2010.

  29. January 7, 2011 12:53 am

    Follow your donors. If they and people like them are using Facebook, Twitter and the like in sufficient numbers, you and your organisation need to be there too, working out how best to connect with them.

    Howard Lake
    Publisher of UK Fundraising (

  30. Livia permalink
    January 7, 2011 1:07 am

    Remember that Social Media is your friend. Make sure you use it to promote your values and most important make it all about your stakeholders.

  31. January 7, 2011 1:19 am

    Go to sites like Twitter and Facebook with an open mind, and an open attitude to genuine discussion. You will be rewarded by an invaluable flow of insight into your supporters, your detractors, and your potential target audiences.

    Amanda Baker, PR and Media Officer, The Vegan Society

  32. January 7, 2011 2:11 am

    Two for you:

    1) Online social networking and online social broadcasting are different activities that require different approaches and messaging in order to effectively engage.

    2) In the world of charitable professional membership organisations the term ‘online social networking’ can been tweaked to ‘online professional networking’ and this helps to increase buy-in.

    Good luck with the book!

    Richard Gott
    The MemberWise Network

  33. January 7, 2011 3:16 am

    Borders Family History Society and our forum not only provides people with the capability to help each other but has enormously reduced the drain on our volunteer resources that used to be spent on answering questions.

  34. January 7, 2011 3:19 am

    Writing an occasional blog has enormously increased our exposure. We try to write weekly but don’t always manage it, and sometimes we write more often. As well as improving our placing in search results, are blogs are often quoted, republished, and tweeted around the world.

    Peter Munro, Depute Chairman, Borders Family History Society

  35. January 7, 2011 3:22 am

    Non-profits, AS WELL AS their clients and supporters, are HUGE targets for criminals and fraud artists. IT professionals know that a large proportion of today’s information security risks originate from the use of social networks and social media. In my conservative estimate, as a risk management consultant who specializes in social media, over 90% of the public and consulting advice given on this subject totally disregards the risks involved to the organization and its stakeholders. Not only is failure an option, it is virtually guaranteed for organizations of significant size if they don’t have a well-planned policies for everything from “handling Public Relations setbacks” to “preparing staff to defend against social engineering attacks”. So, be careful following blue-sky advice; risk must ALWAYS be considered.

  36. January 7, 2011 6:17 am

    “Social media is both a conversation and a journey. When you engage with others through it, you have an opportunity to transform your organization’s mission from one way communication into something that can truly change the way people perceive not only your cause, but also to help shape the way public interaction occurs with all causes.”

  37. January 7, 2011 6:29 am

    When embarking into the web-world, a nonprofit organization should develop realistic plan to be implemented, revised, and revisited. Without a strategy, one can lose focus, and social media does no good or an organization if core competencies are not being met.

  38. January 7, 2011 7:08 am

    We have 174 Facebook fans. And 126 of them are my friends. But those 126 people never heard of the Capital Region Community Foundation until I joined the staff and created a social media presence for the foundation. Those are 126 people who can have conversations with their loved ones about charitable giving opportunities with us. I think that’s a win.

  39. January 7, 2011 7:16 am

    Entering the social media arena requires some planning – know your audience, messages, and goals. Determine who will manage it and how its effectiveness will be measured. Once those questions are answered move forward – there is no time like the present and you have to start somewhere. It is very exciting to see your network of followers grow from a tiny core to over 100 in a very short period of time!

  40. January 7, 2011 7:27 am

    As “new” as the technology is, even when we started in January of 2009, it’s just like advertising. Someone, somewhere, has already done something you like. Don’t be afraid to ask another nonprofit how or why they did something. Use other profiles as a model and copy what you like and make it your own!

  41. January 7, 2011 7:28 am

    Whoops – forgot – Brooke Browne, Online Communications Manager at Neighborhood Centers Inc.

  42. January 7, 2011 7:32 am

    Here’s another for Twitter –

    There are so many nonprofits already on Twitter. Share their good work, especially if you partner with them in the offline work. And ALWAYS thank those that share yours. It will come back to you.

    Brooke Browne, Online Communications Manager, Neighborhood Centers Inc.

  43. Richard Morley, CFRE, CSPG permalink
    January 7, 2011 7:40 am

    “Your” social network sites don’t really belong to you. The power of social networking online for nonprofits resides in the degree of success where supporers/users “own” their participation….engaging and communicating with each other as constituent supporters, and taking messages viral to fully promote and support your mission.

  44. nonprofitorgs permalink
    January 7, 2011 8:11 am

    THANKS everyone. Keep them coming. For sure, three of these made the book. Really appreciate it. Also need quotes specific to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter… and mobile!

    For example:

    “The power of LinkedIn snuck up on us, but if you invest time in managing and promoting your Group, it evolves into a powerhouse of ROI. It took over two years, but our Group now has over 13,000 members and I’ll take them over 130,000 Twitter Followers any day!”


    “Facebook is a phenomenon like no other. We’ve been using our Page for a little over a year. At first it was slow-growing, but promoting our Page in our e-newsletter gave it the jump start it needed. Our community is now at a little over 5,000 fans and grows steadily now on its own. As a tool to connect regularly to your supporters where they live online, there’s no comparison.”

  45. January 7, 2011 8:56 am

    Social media doesn’t exist only so we can show and tell. It exists so we can listen.

    Tara Covelens, Regional Development Coordinator, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

  46. Christopher Wulff permalink
    January 7, 2011 9:03 am

    People don’t want to be monetized, they want to feel mobilized. Learn to connect and move, not direct and sell.

    Christopher Wulff, Web Developer, Former Communications Director for Social Planning Toronto

  47. January 7, 2011 9:40 am

    Don’t spend more than members are willing to give.

  48. January 7, 2011 9:57 am

    Many orgs and people are reactive, setting up digital outposts because people are talking about them. We were like plenty of community benefit organizations in that NO ONE was talking about us. Kickstarting the online conversation through social media is a no-brainer. It’s also free. We took the plunge, moved our communications (internal and external) to the cloud, and never looked back.

    Tim Brauhn
    Director of Communications

    • January 7, 2011 9:59 am

      Perhaps I should have said:

      Tim Brauhn
      Director of Communications
      The 1010 Project

      Also, why not be gluttonous? Here’s another quote:

      Social web tools and platforms aren’t cure-alls, and frankly, they haven’t really made us any money directly. What they have done is provided an additional “layer of fit”, or a “layer of friendship” for us to cultivate current and potential supporters/donors. Each tool gives us one more way to connect with passionate folks.

  49. January 7, 2011 1:59 pm

    At the end of the day, the number of fans, followers and readers you have isn’t that important. What’s important is how engaged they are with your cause. The more you can demonstrate the way that social media has connected your organization with ardent supporters who take real action on your behalf, the more meaningful the Board of Directors will find your social media efforts. We try to stay focused on how many people are taking action, rather than how many new followers or retweets we have.
    Jessica Kirkwood, VP, Interactive Strategy, Points of Light Institute & HandsOn Network

  50. January 7, 2011 2:12 pm

    Take the time to share what you know with those who know less and don’t be intimidated by your own ignorance. Social media are about the joys of sharing in the discovery of … possibility.

  51. January 7, 2011 3:04 pm

    Engage people where they hang out.

    Tony Martignetti

  52. January 8, 2011 5:49 am

    Wouldn’t you love to have the resume and recommendations for everyone you collaborate with? You can. It’s called LinkedIn.

    Carol Meerschaert, MBA, RD
    Director, Marketing and Communications
    Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA)

  53. January 8, 2011 12:29 pm

    Tweet Responsibly. If you are tweeting disaster information keep in mind your message will be visible not only by your intended audience, but also by the global community. Before you tweet, be sure you are providing information that is accurate, pertinent and contains information that will not increase the risk of the safety of the public. – Christine Thompson, President, Humanity Road Inc.

  54. January 8, 2011 12:33 pm

    “First responders on the ground would be an ambulance driver. We are the first responders primarily on the internet.”
    — Christine Thompson, President, Humanity Road

    As quoted in interview with The Takeaway

  55. January 8, 2011 12:47 pm

    “No, I am not inside Haiti – but I am on Earth and I have Twitter, how can I help you” – Christine Thompson, President, Humanity Road

    – that Tweet was one I sent to someone on January 14th 2010. The response I received was for a request that I create a list of first responder rescue phrases translated in both English and Creole so that first responders could rescue victims trapped by debris, ask folks to be quiet while the rescuers listened for sounds beneath the rubble, ask folks to line up to get water and food. I was able to create a list, locate a volunteer through Twitter who translated the list and provided that list of rescue phrases to the person who asked me for it in less than an hour. In Twitter, all you need to do is ask. Someone will be available to help in a disaster. Within a few days, this list was also posted at the temporary emergency call center at the Haitian Embassy in Washington, DC which was taking calls from people inside Haiti who had urgent needs.

  56. January 9, 2011 11:37 am

    Twitter is instantaneous, spontaneous and fun; when you are having fun with your tweets, its likely that your audience would love them too and retweet! Whether its twitter or face book, what matters most is that you’re happy posting, retweeting & sharing because its contagious & comes through to your fans, & that returns 10 fold to your brand/organization and adds immeasurable value to your ROI.

    Andrea Johnson, Advisor on Communications,advocacy & social media to the Center for African Affairs & Global Peace

  57. January 10, 2011 10:27 am

    “We can’t cover their eyes, but we can teach them to see.” –

  58. January 13, 2011 9:20 am

    Regarding Facebook:

    In the end, what truly touches hearts and moves followers to action are stories. Not facts, statistics or financial reports. People are moved by the things that stir their emotions, things that hit close to home, things they can relate to. We, as people, have to wade through so much print garbage that when we read something that we feel is really worthwhile, we feel truly appreciative and are often moved to share what we have read with those who matter to us. We are literally starving for rewarding reading and drowning in useless trash.

    1. When sharing your story, always be genuine. Lies and insincerity are easy to spot, and won’t be rewarded.
    2. Be brief. Make your story flow and don’t be choppy, but don’t run on and on or your readers will lose interest.
    3. Always remember your audience. Ensure that your story and the way you tell it is appropriate for them.
    4. Remember your point. It’s easy to share a story and forget why you’re sharing it. Always keep your purpose clear in your mind, it will keep you on track.
    5. Don’t forget to sum up. At the end of your story, add a brief sentence to tie together the story and your point.
    6. Never forget your contact information.

    Always make it easy for followers to contact you to support your cause. If they have to work too hard to support you, they won’t do it, no matter how moved they are. The distance from the emotion you create to the action of supporting you must be as short as possible. If the reader is put through a frustrating series of clicks and sign-ups, you will lose their support. Once they are pushed past the good feeling given to them by reading your story, you will lose many of your supporters. Make supporting you as effortless and fast as often as possible.

    About Linked In:

    No other network shares the credibility that Linked In enjoys. For that reason, contacts forged on Linked In are often those treated in the highest regard. This is the home of those who take their careers seriously, and this is certainly where you, as a non-profit professional, want to be seen.

    Linked In is the primary social media site where doing business IS the first order of day. This is where you get down to the details of the day-to-day running of your non-profit. Not only does it give you the opportunity to talk numbers, daily operations and management of your business with investors and supporters, but Linked In is a treasure-trove of information on running charitable businesses. There is an endless list of groups to join where members share a wealth of information about the non-profit business or where any member can post questions or comments to expand their knowledge about industry-related topics. There are other groups dedicated to issues such as marketing or accounting, as well as groups based on geographical area. Linked In is an invaluable resource for meeting other professionals in your field to network with, hire, find a job with, or to simply share information with. There is no excuse not to be on Linked In if you are in business. It’s absolutely essential in today’s world.

    Jennifer A. Iacono
    J&G Events


    VP of Marketing
    Phoenix Professional Services

  59. January 13, 2011 10:55 am

    Social media success requires 1 part time and 2 parts passion. If people can ‘hear’ a smile over the phone they can certainly ‘read’ an authentic voice behind an organization’s online social presence.

  60. January 13, 2011 11:07 am

    Social media often times isn’t worth the time investment until enough time has been invested.

  61. Maya permalink
    January 13, 2011 2:02 pm

    I think is a reminder that is relevant for all types of nonprofits on why to engage in social media at all:

    Conversations online happen with or without us. We would be doing a disservice to ourselves and our communities if we did not take part as experts in our field.

    –Maya Linson – National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems

  62. January 20, 2011 8:02 am

    I still feel new to social media so I created the phrase “REV it up” to keep me focused:

    R- Relationships: build them by listening and responding
    E – Emotions: get them emotionally connected to what we do to help people
    V – Value: give them something of value to keep them coming back

  63. January 20, 2011 10:32 am

    Listen twice as much as you talk. Social media, at its core, is about building relationships. Take the time to listen to what your constituents say and respond to them in a real way. Resist the urge to only push out your own content. Listen to fans, friends, colleagues and competitors. Be courteous and re-post the good words of others. Be human. People respond to other people, not to robotic entries with no sense of emotion, compassion, or authenticity behind them.

  64. January 21, 2011 5:57 am

    Stop trying to solicit donors, and start working to build relationships. -Katie Coffman, Web and Social Media Editor, KU Endowment

  65. January 31, 2011 10:54 am

    And for mobile: Mobile is possibly the most intimate marketing channel of them all. Accordingly, use it with extreme deliberation — or risk losing the trust of your constituents.

  66. February 17, 2011 4:01 pm

    Too many nonprofits make the mistake of thinking social media is only about fundraising or gaining new volunteers, or about posting static info, like a newspaper or monthly newsletter.
    Social media is more like an organism, living and pulsing with interactive life.
    It is about engaging, collaborating, empowering, authorizing, motivating, stimulating, challenging, supporting, validating, bonding, communicating, sharing, inspiring and gathering. It’s a relationship between you and “one user” at a time. Stay invested and keep the flow of interaction swirling.

  67. February 24, 2011 3:19 pm

    I built our social media network from the ground up; it took some seeding and a little extra attention, but now it’s starting to grow its own.

  68. February 28, 2011 7:05 am

    Social media represents a doorway to the personal stories of hundreds of thousands of wish kids and families who have experienced the power of a wish, and millions of people who have helped the Make-A-Wish Foundation grant those wishes. As we are moving from third-person storytelling to first-person narrative accounts, social media has become an integral piece of our connection and engagement strategy.

    Petri Darby, APR, director of brand marketing & digital strategy
    Make-A-Wish Foundation of America

  69. March 17, 2011 8:48 am

    Always generate good content to drive social media strategy: podcasts, videos, case studies, info-graphics, engaging campaigns. Great media-rich content will make your social media channels a go-to place for supporters and clients and will support wider marketing and communications strategies. If you don’t have the content to back it up your strategy, efforts will likely be in vain.

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